Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Erasmus+ projektikohtumine Eestis 15.- 20. veebruarini

Kokkusaamise korraldamine on täies hoos. Siin on majutuse nimekiri, ülesanded  ja osavõtt üritustest.
Hoiame pöialt, et imeilus talveilm püsiks ja meie külalised saaksid kõiki talverõõme nautida!

Tasks for Estonia:
a)  All the participants have carried out a questionnaire and the results have been uploaded to EU-topia page (hopefully;-)). For the Estonian mobility all the partners will prepare a short overview of their answers to questions 5,6,8,15 -24, based on that we will have some  groupwork activities and tasks mentioned in the application form.

b) Start with the topic of employment. Make a 5-7-minute presentation about the employment situation in your country. Focus on the following topics: popular/least popular jobs, over-/underproduction of certain jobs, unemployment trends since 2005, the highest- and the lowest-paid jobs/ job sectors.

c) Find some information about  what jobs will be most needed in 2050s, make predictions based on that information. In Estonia there will be groupwork activity on this topic, too.

d) Prepare a language lesson - work, career, education

e) Write parts 3 and 4 to the chain story

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